Contact Us: (916) 442-5000

Between Slab Waterproofing Systems:
G W C-WATERPROOFING install a wide range of Between Slab Waterproofing Systems, Please see below for further details.
 For a quote or more information, Please Contact Us.

Poly guard Under seal:
 Membrane is designed as a thick waterproofing and vapor barrier membrane for applications on horizontal slabs where a topping slab is required. These
applications are typically found on parking garages, plaza decks and balconies where waterproofing performance is critical and total system thickness is an issue.

TREMproof 250GC:
is a fluid-applied, elastomeric waterproofing membrane that can be applied to Green Concrete. TREMproof 250GC is commonly used as a between slab on plaza decks, parking decks, roof terraces, and podiums. TREMproof 250GC is also used for waterproofing foundation walls, landscaped areas, planter boxes, tunnels, etc. The TREMproof 250GC is an effective membrane for use on concrete, wood, metal and masonry surfaces.